तत् त्वम् असि
“நீ எதை நாடி வந்தாயோ அது நீயாகவே உள்ளாய்’
Thou art that/ That art thou; Said my Father
2 thoughts on “தத்வமஸி, Karthigesu Navaratnam”
He is m father my god and everything for me. Brought me up without our mother who died very young and early. He cooked our food, washed our cloths and bathed us from the age of 4 throughout our school days. Married the girl of his choice and lived the life he wanted but couldn’t stay with him when he passed away due to turmoil in Srilanka. Manoharan 2nd son.
He is m father my god and everything for me. Brought me up without our mother who died very young and early. He cooked our food, washed our cloths and bathed us from the age of 4 throughout our school days. Married the girl of his choice and lived the life he wanted but couldn’t stay with him when he passed away due to turmoil in Srilanka. Manoharan 2nd son.
The comment is as good as a pithir duty.
‘A man dies twice; once when he breaths his last and next the last man to think of him passes away.’